Friday, February 7, 2025
IGL Competition

Infinity Global League Painting Competition 2023 – SEASON 5 RESULTS!

Welcome to the final IGL Painting Competition Results show of 2023! Below you will see all the wonderful entries into our competition and get to learn who is the overall champion and winner of a prized discount code from one of our generous sponsors.

The IGL painting competition is an international event, so we have sponsors from around the world. It works like this: If our champion is from North American, then our friends at Mythic Games will provide prize support. If our winner comes from Australia or New Zealand the lovely folks at Toy Soldier Imports handle prize duties, and if Europe is the home of our champion then Micro Art Studio will be the source of their prize. In this way, no matter which of those three territories you come from, you can receive your prize locally and avoid time consuming and expensive long distance international shipping.

Thanks to our excellent sponsors for supporting this event!

At the IGL Painting Competition we have 4 categories: S1-2, S3-4, S5 and S6-8. This means when we judge our entries we compare across roughly the same size of model. We pick a winner for each category and when we have a lot of entries for a given category, as we often do in the S1-2 category, we choose a top three. We also pick an overall winner who receives the prize of for a discount code to one of our sponsors.

If you would like to hear commentary for these images and why we thought our winner was the best follow the link below or go to episode 139 of the WIP12 podcast in your podcast app of choice, in which head judge Thomas and guest judge, and winner of IGLPC 4, Chris go through all of the entries and offer praise and critique.

Without further ado lets see the entries!


DeChickenKing/Dustin Luong “Kusa Bnuy”

Lala/@whitebasetw “TaUWU”

LPOPO/@po_miniature “Kamisato Ayaka”


Ricardo Entjes

Freek Jan/fjhamming

Ivo Blazek



Category top Three

Third Place: Sangarn/@triumcorp

Second Place: Ed Vincent Villaver

First Place: 6’2″ Koala “You did *what* to my robot?!”



Ivo Blazek



Yalaz Özkanlı


Alex Chu/@aexchu1004 “The Goodest Boy”

Mike Geyser/@grumpypainter

That’s all of our entries, so it is now time to announce the overall winner of the IGL Painting Competition: Season 5, and recipient of a discount code from one of our sponsors. *drum roll*

The winner is Mike Geyser/@grumpypainter for his Marut TAG!!

Congratulations Mike!! Your prize will be winging its way to you soon.

All that remains is to say thank you to all of our entrants, and to you dear reader/podcast listener, for taking the time to make this competition as strong and engaging as it is.

The IGL Painting Competition will return in 2024 with season 6, which will run concurrently with the Infinity Global League Satellite tournament, so watch out for that.

If you have been inspired by this year’s IGL Painting Competitions, and want to take part next time, make sure to keep your eyes glued to the IGL discord and the Infinity Global Community on Facebook in January for the competition announcement and maybe take part in the the satellite, too!

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